Tienda ReproRACE

Alientech Kess3

Configura tu Alientech Kess3

Es la herramienta ideal si desea que el equipo de ReproRACE realice las modificaciones electrónicas en los vehículos de sus clientes. Así mismo podrá optar a ser distribuidor oficial ReproRACE. Incluye acceso a nuestro portal de archivos modificados y asistencia técnica premium.

Lea sus ficheros abiertos, libres para hacer sus propias modificaciones. Además de ello, ReproRACE podrá ayudarle con la programación de sus vehículos. Incluye acceso a nuestro servidor de ficheros modificados.

Product price: $742.96
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All information about Alientech Kess3

Frequently asked questions about the tool and our service.

What are OBD protocols?

OBD protocols are those that will allow you to read the engine and gearbox units through the vehicle’s diagnostic port. The kess3 hardware includes an OBD cable that will allow you to connect to most light vehicles and several heavy vehicles without the need for any additional adapters.

Approximately 85% of the vehicles allow reading/writing by this protocol.

Some tractors, trucks, buses, motorcycles and boats will need adapters to be able to communicate with the ECUs and TCUs. You can see the models and costs of the adapters in the “Alientech Accessories” section of our online store.

What are Bench & Boot protocols?

It is the necessary activation to communicate with the ECUs and TCUs without the need to have the vehicle available, working on the unit itself by removing it from the vehicle. Bench is a communication on the pineado of the electronic unit, without the need to open it. Boot is a mixed connection between the external connection of the unit as well as internal connections in the unit. The main advantage is that these protocols perform a complete reading of the unit, allowing us to write a used unit and make an exact copy of the data, very useful to transfer the data in case of failure of the original unit and also to keep an exact backup of the unit. Approximately 96% of vehicles have this read/write feature active.

How much do modifications by ReproRACE cost?

Depending on the type of vehicle and the electronic unit the system will calculate the cost for your unit. There are thousands of different costs based on the complexity of the service. Likewise, we can use as a reference that the cost of the service in a light vehicle will be between 35 € to 120 € in the most modern and complex units. We have the most competitive costs in the market, adapted to the world economy because our services are offered in many countries with different purchasing power which always have the same cost.

What is the cost of the Annual Update?

Annually you will be subject to a NON-MANDATORY update of 590€ in the case of Slave machine or 1100€ in the case of Master machine. This amount will keep your equipment always up to date by receiving the latest communication protocols, which will allow you to access the latest developments. In case you decide not to upgrade, your equipment will remain active with the protocols you had active.

I currently have a SLAVE tool managed by another company, can I access ReproRACE?

We will be glad to offer you service. We distribute Alientech KESS3 because we consider it to be the most complete tool at the moment, but additionally you can link your FLEX or Autotuner tool to our company. Visit our special section:


What is the difference between Master and Slave tool?

The physical equipment is exactly the same. The difference is that the Master machine will read the information from the ECU’s without encryption and the data will be available for the user to modify.

The Slave device will instead read the data in encrypted form, which will only be available for management by ReproRACE.

So, what equipment do I need? because if we want to make our own modifications to our clients’ files we will need a master machine, while if we decide that ReproRACE will make the modifications, a Slave machine will be enough.

If I purchase KESS3 with one protocol, can I add more protocols in the future?

Yes, without any inconvenience. You will simply pay the cost of the additional protocol and it will be active. It is very common for a workshop to start with light vehicle protocols and later expand to industrials, etc.

If I purchase a SLAVE tool, can I change it to a MASTER tool later?

Yes, without any inconvenience. Simply send us an email with the serial number of your tool and your intention to change to MASTER and our team will make the change paying the difference in cost.

What tool do I need to offer reprogramming to my workshop customers?

The first essential step is to have a tool capable of accessing data from electronic units such as Alientech Kess3.

In addition, if the equipment will include Bench/Boot protocols, it is recommended that you also have a soldering iron of between 10w and 15w, quality solder of about 0.8mm, electronic soldering acid and a circuit cleaner.

In addition, it is advisable to have a positioning table in order to be able to manipulate the data while minimizing the risk.

How can I access ReproRACE modifications?

All our customers who purchase equipment from our company, whether in MASTER or SLAVE version, receive access credentials to our file portal from which they can request modifications.

I currently have a MASTER tool, can I access the ReproRACE file server?

As long as it is an original tool, with a license we can offer you a file modification service. Contact us at:

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